Book Merch Benefits

There are many great benefits that come with offering book merch for both you and your readers from expanding the world of your books to it being an additional revenue stream for you.

More Than a Book

Book merch has become a powerful way for you to offer readers tangible items that celebrate their love for your books. Offering merch starts to build a world around your books and bring your story and characters to life. Great merch designs can take the words you write and make them into imagery on a shirt, blanket, or mug.

Engage with Readers

Offering merch is also a great way to engage with your readers. Readers will love the opportunity to provide feedback on artwork for merch designs or offer their favorite quotes that might be featured on future merch. It also gives readers another way to support you as well as celebrate their favorite books or series.

Free Advertising

When your readers buy your merch, it provides a potential conversation starter about your books when they are out in the wild (who doesn't love free advertising). Merch designs can range from being obvious book references to more subtle inside joke references that any reader would love to talk about.

Additional Revenue Stream

Of course, the last, but certainly not least, benefit for offering book merch is the additional income stream it will provide. Merch is not a if-you-build-it-they-will-come endeavor. But with a little marketing and a loyal audience a merch shop can be a good way to bring in some income in between books.

